You’ll need to be quick to reach the central button first and win the round! Sounds easy, right? Well, remember that you must do it while dodging all the lasers in your path. Glow Mission is a team experience where each player positions themselves on their side of the field. One by one, they must try to reach the center before their opponent to press the button and score a point for their team. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Push your limits in record time!

If you’ve always dreamed of being the star of a spy movie, Glow Mission brings you closer to that experience with the thrilling challenge of dodging lasers and doing it in the best time. Quite a challenge!


5 a 7 minutes


6 duros



C/Almogàvers, 169 08018 Barcelona


C/Almogàvers, 169 08018 Barcelona